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PostgreSQL tutorial

15 September 2020

PostgreSQL tutorial

PostgreSQL is a powerful Open Source Object-Relational Database System. It has over 15 years of the active development phase and a proven architecture that has earned a good reputation for reliability, data integrity, and accuracy.

This tutorial will give you a quick start with PostgreSQL and allows you to get used to PostgreSQL programming.
PostgreSQL data types
Announcement of variables
Aliases (pseudonyms)

PostgreSQL functions

PostgreSQL function date/time

Function & Description
The age PostgreSQL function returns the number of years, months, and days between two dates.
The current_date function in PostgreSQL returns the current date.
The current_time function in PostgreSQL returns the current time with time zone.
The current_timestamp PostgreSQL function returns the current date and time with the time zone.
The date_part PostgreSQL function extracts parts from the date.
The extract PostgreSQL function extracts parts from the date.
The local time PostgreSQL function returns the current time.
The localtimestamp PostgreSQL function returns the current date and time.
The now PostgreSQL function returns the current time and date with the time zone.


PostgreSQL string functions

Function & Description
The PostgreSQL btrim function removes all specified characters both at the beginning and at the end of a line.
The char_length function in PostgreSQL returns the length of the specified string.
The character_length function in PostgreSQL returns the length of the specified string.
The function initcap PostgreSQL converts the first letter of each word to upper case, and all other letters are converted to lower case.
The length PostgreSQL function returns the length of the specified string, expressed in the number of characters.
The lower PostgreSQL function converts all characters of a specified string into lower case.
The PostgreSQL lpad function returns a string added to the left side of the specified string of a certain length.
The ltrim PostgreSQL function removes all specified characters on the left side of the line.
POSTGRESQL operator ||
PostgreSQL operator || allows to combine 2 or more lines together.
The PostgreSQL position function returns the substring location in a string.
The repeat PostgreSQL function repeats the string as many times as specified.
The replace PostgreSQL function replaces all occurrences of the specified string.
The PostgreSQL rpad function returns a string added to the right side of the specified string of a certain length.
The PostgreSQL rtrim function removes all specified characters on the right side of the line.
The PostgreSQL strpos function returns the substring arrangement in a string.
The substring PostgreSQL function allows extracting substring from a string.
The translate PostgreSQL function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters. However, it replaces one character at a time.
For example, it replaces the first character in string_to_replace with the first character in replace_string. Then it will replace the second character in string_to_replace with the second character in replace_string, etc.
The trim PostgreSQL function removes all specified characters from the beginning or end of a line.
PostgreSQL function upper converts all characters in a specified string into upper case.


PostgreSQL conversion functions

Function & Description
The PostgreSQL to_char function converts a number or date to a string.
The to_date function in PostgreSQL converts a string into a date.
The PostgreSQL to_number function converts a string into a number.
The PostgreSQL to_timestamp function converts a string into a timestamp.


Numerical/mathematical PostgreSQL functions

Function & Description
The abs function in PostgreSQL returns the absolute value of the number.
The avg PostgreSQL function returns the average value of the expression.
The ceil PostgreSQL function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number.
The ceiling PostgreSQL function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number.
The count PostgreSQL function returns the number of expressions.
The div PostgreSQL function is used for integer division, where n is divided by m and integer value is returned.
The exp function in PostgreSQL returns e, raised to number (or enumber).
The floor PostgreSQL function returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number.
The function max PostgreSQL returns the maximum value of the expression.
The min function in PostgreSQL returns the minimum value of the expression.
The mod PostgreSQL function returns the residue from n divided by m.
The power PostgreSQL function returns the value of m, which is elevated to n-th degree.
The random PostgreSQL function can be used to return a random number or a random number within a range.
The round PostgreSQL function returns a number rounded to a certain number of decimal places.
The setseed PostgreSQL function can be used to set the initial number the next time the random function is called. If you do not call setseed, PostgreSQL will use its own seed value. This may or may not be really random.
If you set the initial value by calling setseed, then random will return a repeatable sequence of random numbers obtained from the initial number.
Tip: The setseed function can be very useful in situations where you want to make sure that PostgreSQL uses a really random starting number.
The sign PostgreSQL function returns a value that denotes a number sign.
The function sqrt PostgreSQL returns the square root of the number.
The sum PostgreSQL function returns the cumulative value of the expression.
The trunc PostgreSQL function returns a number truncated to a certain number of decimal places.


PostgreSQL query types

SELECTGet records from the table
SELECT LIMITGet records from the table and limit the number of records
DISTINCTUsed to remove duplicates from the result set
FROMUsed for displaying tables and any associations
WHEREUsed to filter the results
ORDER BYUsed to sort the results
GROUP BYUsed to group the results
HAVINGUsed in combination with the GROUP BY operator to limit groups of returned strings only to those whose TRUE condition
INSERTOperator for inserting a row into a table
UPDATEThe operator of data update in the table
DELETEOperator to delete data from the table
UNIONOperator to combine sets of results with the removal of repeating rows
UNION ALLOperator to combine sets of results without removing repeating lines
INTERSECTThe operator returns the general records of the result sets
EXCEPTSet of results from one minus set of results from another
SubqueriesAttached request (subquery)
JOIN TablesUsed to extract data from multiple tables


PostgreSQL database administration

Create UserCreate a database account
Grant/Revoke PrivilegesGranting and cancellation of privileges in the database
Change PasswordChange user password
Find UsersUser search
Find Users Logged InFind users who are logged in to PostgreSQL
Rename UserRename user
Drop UserDelete user
VacuumCleaning up unused space in the database
Auto_VacuumThe process that automatically cleans unused space in the database


PostgreSQL tables and views

CREATE TABLECreate a table
CREATE TABLE ASCreate a table from the data of another table
ALTER TABLEAdd, edit, delete columns in the table; rename the table
DROP TABLEDelete the table
TRUNCATE TABLEDelete all records from the table (with the optimizer)
VIEWVirtual table (representation of other tables)


PostgreSQL keys, indexes, and restrictions

Primary KeysCreate, add and delete primary keys
IndexesCreate, delete and rename indices (performance tuning)
Unique ConstraintsCreate, add and remove unique constraints


PostgreSQL conditions

ANDLogical operator AND
ORLogical operator OR
AND and ORLogical operator AND and OR
LIKEDetermines whether the specified character string coincides with the specified template
INDetermines whether a specified value matches a value in a nested query or list
NOTNegation of conditions
IS NULLUsed to check the NULL value
IS NOT NULLUsed to check the NOT NULL value
BETWEENDefines the range to check the condition
EXISTSIn the WHERE proposal of an external query, the presence of strings returned by an attached query is checked.


PostgreSQL comparison statements

Comparison OperatorsComparison operators such as =, <>, !=, >, < and others


Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

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