Oracle PL/SQL


Oracle PL SQL function COALESCE returns the first non-zero expression from the list. If all expressions are defined as Null, the COALESCE function will return Null. Oracle PL/SQL syntax of...


Oracle/PLSQL function CARDINALITY returns the number of elements in the nested table. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of the CARDINALITY function CARDINALITY( nested table column_id ) Parameters or...


The Oracle/PLSQL BFILENAME function returns the BFILE locator corresponding to the name of the operating system's physical file filename. Syntax of the BFILENAME function BFILENAME(...


Oracle Databases - Many developers turn to databases for their outstanding high performance and ability to perform complex tasks.Oracle has built a reputation for delivering reliable performance...


Conversions:Function DescriptionBIN_TO_NUM The Oracle/PLSQL function BIN_TO_NUM converts the vector to the corresponding decimal number.CAST The Oracle/PLSQL CAST function...


Oracle/PLSQL function TO_YMINTERVAL converts a string into a value of NTERVAL type from YEAR to MONTH. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of the TO_YMINTERVAL function TO_YMINTERVAL( character_id...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_TIMESTAMP function converts a string to the TIMESTAMP value. Function Oracle/PLSQL TO_TIMESTAMP syntax TO_TIMESTAMP( string1, [ format_mask_id ] [ 'nlsparam_id' ]...


Oracle/PLSQL TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ function converts a string into a value of TIMESTAMP type with TIMEZONE (time zone). Oracle/PLSQL syntax of TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ functions TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ( string1 , [...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_SINGLE_BYTE function returns a character value in which all multibyte characters are converted to single-byte characters.To use this function, your database character set...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_NUMBER function converts a string into a number. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of the TO_NUMBER function TO_NUMBER( string1, [ format_mask_id ], [ nls_language_id ] ) Parameters or...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_NCLOB function converts the LOB value to the NCLOB value. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of TO_NCLOB function TO_NCLOB( expression_id ) Parameters or argumentsexpression_id -...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_MULTI_BYTE function returns a character value from all single-byte characters and converts it into multi-byte characters. To use this function, your database character set...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_LOB function converts LONG or LONG RAW values to LOB values. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL TO_LOB function TO_LOB( long_column_id ) Parameters or argumentslong_column_id...


The Oracle/PLSQL TO_DSINTERVAL function converts the string to INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL TO_DSINTERVAL function TO_DSINTERVAL( character [ nls_parameter_id ] )...


Oracle/PLSQL TO_CLOB function converts character data of CLOB type Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL TO_CLOB function TO_CLOB(expression_id) Parameters or argumentsexpression_id - can accept...


The Oracle/PLSQL RAWTOHEX function converts a RAW value into a hexadecimal character representation. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL RAWTOHEX function RAWTOHEX( raw_id ) Parameters or arguments...