There are many ways to connect and work with Oracle databases, but most often the interface and SQL*Plus command set offered in Oracle are used for this purpose. The SQL*Plus interface, in fact,...


It is very important for a professional developer (programmer) to be able to work effectively in the SQL*Plus environment. It is important to be able to perform competent configuration and...


SQL MIN function is used to return the minimum value of an expression in the SELECT operator. Syntax for MIN function in SQL SELECT MIN(aggregate_expression_id). FROM tabs [WHERE conds]Or...


SQLS*Plus connectivity environmental variables1) SQLSUSER / SQLCMDUSER Default connect user2) SQLSPASSWORD / SQLCMDPASSWORD Default connect user password3) SQLSSERVER /...


SQLS*Plus is a client terminal software allowing users to interact with SQL Server to manipulate data and data structures. Users type in SQL statements in SQLS*Plus that send statements to SQL...


Console version of SQLS*Plus can be run by specifying additional command line parameters. Let's list the most important command line parameters for SQLS*Plus: -S (-SILENT) - "silent" mode, in...


SQLS*Plus - Sample start string: sqlsplus.exe /nolog  col N1 format 999,999,999.99 In this example we are starting SLQS*Plus and not initiating connection to the SQL Server. Setting format...


SQLS*Plus - Sample connect string: sqlsplus.exe hlc/hlc@ In this example we are connecting SQLS*Plus connect to the specific instance "SQL2014I01" of SQL...


SQLS*Plus - Sample start string: sqlsplus.exe /nolog  In this example we are starting SLQS*Plus and not initiating connection to the SQL Server. After that we can connect to the specific...