Tag: sql server


SQL condition AND (also known as SQL AND operator) is used to check two or more conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operator. All conditions must be met to select a record. Syntax...


SQL comparison operators are used in the WHERE sentence to determine which records to select. Here is a list of comparison statements that you can use in SQL:Comparator...


SQLS*Plus for SQL Server: Issue “sqlsplus.exe –r” command and paste your license token to register SQLS*PlusStartup Scripts When SQLS*Plus starts, and after CONNECT commands, the two...


SQLS*Plus for SQL Server Data Output - HTML Data Output, CSV Data Output, JSON Data Output, Vertical Data Output, and Column Autoformatting. HTML Data Output Use “set markup html on|off”...


SQLS*Plus: Passing parameters as script arguments You can skip the hints for values that are associated with the substitution of variables by giving them values of parameters in the script, typing...


List of Commands:   Command    Usage     Description  & &<variable name>   Use substitution...


1) Activate Quick Edit Mode2) Set proper layout attributesa) Set Screen Buffer Size to 122 and 9999 correspondinglyb) Set Window Buffer Size to 122 and 55...


SQL Primary Keys - In SQL, the primary key is a single field or a combination of several fields that uniquely define a record. None of the fields that are part of the primary key should contain...


SQL VIEW is essentially a virtualized table that does not exist in nature. This table is created by an SQL statement that combines one or more tables. Create SQL VIEW Syntax for CREATE VIEW in...


SQL local temporary tables - unique in modules and built-in SQL programs in SQL sessions. Syntax for DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE in SQL DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE tab_name ( column_1...


SQL GLOBAL TABLES are tables that are created separately in SQL sessions. Syntax for CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE in SQL CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tab_name ( col1 datatype_1 [ NULL | NOT...


DROP TABLE SQL statement allows you to remove a table from an SQL database. Syntax for DROP TABLE statement in SQL DROP TABLE tab_name;where:tab_name - Name of the table to delete...


HAVING SQL operator is used in combination with GROUP BY operator to limit groups of returned strings only to those whose condition is TRUE. Syntax of the HAVING operator in SQL SELECT expr1,2,...


WHERE SQL operator is used to filter results and apply conditions in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. Syntax for WHERE statement in SQL WHERE conds;where:Conds - to be met for...


FROM SQL statement is used to enumerate tables and any associations required for SQL statement. Syntax of FROM statement in SQL FROM tab1 [ { INNER JOIN | LEFT [OUTER] JOIN | RIGHT [OUTER]...


The DISTINCT SQL operator is used to remove duplicates from the resulting SELECT operator set. Syntax for DISTINCT statement in SQL SELECT DISTINCT exprs FROM tabs [WHERE...