Tag: sql server
AVG function (Average) in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) - AVG function returns the arithmetic mean for all found records. Arithmetic mean of a group of numbers is their sum divided by their...
INSERT INTO - is a T-SQL instruction designed to add data to a table, i.e. create new records. This instruction can be used both for adding one line to the table and for mass inserting data....
The CREATE TABLE instruction in SQL Server creates a new database table with all relevant columns of the required data type. The following is the basic form of the CREATE TABLE manual:CREATE...
Microsoft Exchange server is an email forwarding service. It supports client protocols such as POP3, SMTP, MAPI and IMAP. It integrates with Outlook.This program is used if you want to allow...
MERGE SQL - In Transact-SQL language in one row with such operations as INSERT (insert), UPDATE (update), DELETE (delete) is the operation MERGE (merge), which in some cases may be useful, but...
PostgreSQL data types - PostgreSQL supports a rich palette of different data types, among which can be conventionally divided into subgroups: numeric, character, logical, date and time, binary...
The CREATE USER PostgreSQL statement creates a database account that allows you to log into a PostgreSQL database. Syntax for CREATE USER operator in PostgreSQL CREATE USER user_name [...
The INSERT SQL statement is used to insert one or more records into a table. There are two syntaxes for the INSERT statement depending on whether you are inserting one record or more...
In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the CHARINDEX function returns the substring location in a string. The search is case insensitive.Syntax of the CHARINDEX function in SQL Server...
To create in PostgreSQL tables, the CREATE TABLE command is used, after which the table name is specified. Also with this command, you can use a number of operators that define the table columns...
SQL Aggregate functions exist in order to be able to generalize the obtained data in any way, i.e. to manipulate them as we want.These functions are performed using keywords that are included...
The DELETE command removes rows from a table or the main database table view, for example, in MySQL, Oracle. In this article you will learn how to use the DELETE statement, with syntax and...
Sql cast: in SQL language implementations the implicit type conversion can be performed. For example, in SQL Server and Sybase ASE. Transact-SQL when comparing or combining values of smallint and...
Postgresql vs MySQL: MySQL is the most popular relational DBMS, while PostgreSQL is the most advanced and functional. Functions of DBMS MySQL and PostgreSQL Almost any developer will say that...
Oracle Database is an Oracle object-relational database management system. Oracle Database is the world's first DBMS designed specifically for working in the cloud. It introduces for the first...
In the T-SQL language there are such functions as COALESCE and ISNULL, which can check the incoming parameters to the value of NULL, today we will consider the features of these functions, as...