Tag: sql server


SQL subqueries are queries attached to another query. Subqueries can be used:In the SELECT instruction; In the FROM instruction; In the WHERE condition.What is a subquery in SQL? The...


In this material I will tell you about DDL, DML, DCL and TCL in SQL language. If you do not know what these incomprehensible letter sets mean and you work with SQL language, you should read this...


In which cases it is necessary to manually add statistical objects to tables and indices in Microsoft SQL Server.The statistics can be generated automatically and updated depending on certain...


The Heimdall Data software agent automatically caches the data without disrupting the current infrastructure.Caching can optimize application response time and reduce database licensing costs....


The first cross-platform SQL Operations Studio tool from Microsoft for database developers and administrators.Microsoft SQL Operations Studio (or SOS, as the product was called) is the first tool...


The new module provides additional benefits to customers who do not have high-level support from Microsoft.Microsoft is constantly releasing new products and plug-ins for SQL Server, continuing...


The Azure SQL managed database instance will help you move local SQL Server applications to the cloud. Microsoft has announced a new addition to the Azure cloud services for SQL Server - Azure...


Tempdb is a critical system database in Microsoft SQL Server. Its unique feature is that it is a shared resource that all users of an SQL Server instance access to place temporary user objects, such...


Microsoft turns a cross-platform solution into a convenient alternative for developers and database administrators. Microsoft seems to be closing the gap between Azure Data Studio and SQL Server...


Dynamic administrative views, time statistics and client statistics of SQL Server Management Studio.Configuring database performance is not the most enjoyable task for database professionals, but...


Almost all my recommendations addressed to developers of SQL Server, Visual Studio and VB.NET are based on readers' suggestions. Your ideas have made Reporting Services (SSRS) more effective.At...


Many are already familiar with SSRS, know what it is and how to use them, but also many do not know this MS SQL server component, so now let's get acquainted with SQL Server Reporting Services,...


SQLCMD - Let's consider a command line tool that is used to interact with Microsoft SQL Server. In this article we will talk about SQLCMD, a command line tool that is used to interact with...


Select SQL - I don't intend to go into sql, you can read about it in any guide to sql server,mysql mainly supports all the basic commands of the ansi 92 standard,but the select command deserves...


 The SQL JOIN language operator is intended for connecting two or more database tables by a matching condition. This operator exists only in relational databases.It is thanks to JOIN...


SQL is often called the language of Esperanto for Database Management Systems (DBMS). Indeed, there is no other Database Management System (DMS) language in the world that is so widely used in...