Tag: sql server
The DROP USER statement is used to delete a user from a PostgreSQL database. The syntax for the DROP USER statement in PostgreSQL DROP USER user_name; Options and arguments of the...
If you mainly use open-source programs in your company, and there are several MS SQL server databases, you can consider moving to a MySQL database.Below are a few reasons why you might want...
Is there a way to save dynamic SQL results in a variable? This is a very popular question, let's see the answer to that question in this blog.For example, here is dynamic SQL which we execute...
The ALTER USER operator is used to change the user password in a PostgreSQL database. The syntax for changing the password with ALTER USER statement in PostgreSQL ALTER USER user_name WITH [...
You can grant GRANT and REVOKE rights for different database objects in PostgreSQL. We will see how to grant and revoke table privileges in PostgreSQL. Grant privileges for a table You can give...
PostgreSQL CREATE USER statement creates a database account, which allows you to log in to a PostgreSQL database. The syntax for CREATE USER statement in PostgreSQL CREATE USER user_name [...
PostgreSQL JOIN is used to extract data from multiple tables. PostgreSQL JOIN is executed whenever two or more tables are combined in an SQL statement.There are different types of PostgreSQL...
The PostgreSQL EXCEPT statement is used to return all lines in the first SELECT statement that are not returned by the second SELECT statement.Each SELECT operator will define the data...
PostgreSQL INTERSECT statement returns the intersection of 2 or more data sets. Each data set is defined by the SELECT operator.If a record exists in both datasets, it will be included in the...
PostgreSQL UNION ALL statement is used to combine the resulting sets of 2 or more SELECT operators. It returns all rows from a query and does not delete repeating rows between different SELECT...
Installing a new SQL Server instance is a common task for DBAs, and most of us use a simple and straightforward GUI approach.However, there are some configuration options, both during and...
PostgreSQL UNION statement is used to combine the resulting sets of 2 or more SELECT operators. It removes repetitive lines between different SELECT operators.Each SELECT statement in a UNION...
The PostgreSQL DELETE statement is used to remove one or more records from a table in PostgreSQL. DELETE statement syntax in PostgreSQL DELETE FROM tab [WHERE conds]; Parameters and arguments...
The PostgreSQL UPDATE statement is used to update existing table entries in a PostgreSQL database. The syntax for the UPDATE statement when updating a single table in PostgreSQL UPDATE...
PostgreSQL INSERT statement is used to insert one or more records into a table in PostgreSQL. The syntax for the INSERT statement The syntax for PostgreSQL INSERT statement when inserting a...
PostgreSQL HAVING statement is used in combination with GROUP BY statement to limit groups of returned strings only to those whose condition is TRUE. The syntax for the HAVING statement in...