Tag: sql server
The PostgreSQL COUNT function returns the number of expressions. Syntax of the count function in PostgreSQL SELECT count(aggregate_expression_id) FROM tabs [WHERE conds];Or the syntax of...
The PostgreSQL CEILING function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number. Syntax of the ceiling function in PostgreSQL ceiling( number ) Parameters and...
The PostgreSQL CEIL function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number. Syntax of CEIL function in PostgreSQL ceil( number )Parameters and function...
The PostgreSQL avg function returns the average value of the expression. Syntax of avg function in PostgreSQL SELECT avg(aggregate_expression) FROM tables [WHERE conditions];Or the...
The abs function in PostgreSQL returns the absolute value of the number. Syntax of abs function in PostgreSQL abs( number ) Parameters and function argumentsnumber - A number for...
The PostgreSQL to_timestamp function converts a string into a timestamp. Syntax of the to_timestamp function in PostgreSQL to_timestamp( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function...
The PostgreSQL to_number function converts a string into a number. Syntax of to_number function in PostgreSQL to_number( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsstring1 -...
The to_date function in PostgreSQL converts a string into a date. Syntax of the to_date function in PostgreSQL to_date( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsstring1 -...
PostgreSQL to_char function converts a number or date to a string. Syntax of to_char function in PostgreSQL to_char( value, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsvalue - A...
In PostgreSQL there are many different string functions designed for formatting, analyzing, and comparing strings.These include both SQL92 standard functions and non-standard PostgreSQL...
PostgreSQL length function returns the length of the specified string, expressed in the number of characters. Syntax of the length function in PostgreSQL length( string ) Parameters and...
PostgreSQL upper function converts all characters in the specified string to upper case. Syntax of the upper function in PostgreSQL upper( string ) Parameters and function arguments...
PostgreSQL trim function removes all specified characters from the beginning or end of a line. Syntax of trim function in PostgreSQL trim( [ leading | trailing | both ] [ trim_character ] from...
The PostgreSQL translate function replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters. However, it replaces one character at a time.For example, it replaces the first...
PostgreSQL substring function allows extracting substring from a string. Syntax of the substring function in PostgreSQL substring( string [from start_position] [for length] ) Parameters and...
The PostgreSQL replace function replaces all occurrences of the specified string. Syntax of the replace function in PostgreSQL replace( string, from_substring, to_substring ) Parameters and...