Tag: sql server
The PostgreSQL function age returns the number of years, months, and days between two dates. Syntax of the function age in PostgreSQL age( [date1,] date2 ) Parameters and function...
PostgreSQL Alias can be used to create a temporary name for tables or columns. Column aliases are used to make it easier to read column headers in a set of results.Table aliases are used to...
Can you place comments in your SQL statements in PostgreSQL? These comments can appear in one line or cover several lines. Let's see how to do that.There are two syntaxes that you can use to...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to declare variables in PostgreSQL using syntax and examples. What is a variable in PostgreSQL? In PostgreSQL, a variable allows a programmer to temporarily...
Below is a list of data types available in PostgreSQL, which includes string, numeric, and date/time type. String data types Below are String data types in PostgreSQL :Syntax of data...
SQL Server has an interesting feature called Linked Servers. It is about linking other databases to SQL Server and using their data as local. There are many powerful open source systems written...
Thinking about security in MySQL installation, you can consider a wide range of possible procedures/recommendations and their impact on the security of your MySQL server and related...
Reflecting on security in MySQL installation, you can consider a wide range of possible procedures/recommendations and their impact on the security of your MySQL server and related...
In this post you will learn how to get the number of MySQL lines in a database. Getting the number of MySQL rows in one table To get the number of rows per table, you use the COUNT(*) operator...
In MySQL 8.0.16 optimizer has improved again! Comparisons of columns of numeric types with constants are checked and stacked or deleted for invalid values or values that are out of...
MySQL 5.7.11 introduced transparent encryption for InnoDB table space, which included support for table space files. Later, encryption for the shared table space was introduced in MySQL...
This article will show you how to create new databases and tables using SQL commands in a mysql client. It is assumed that this tool is running and connected to the MySQL database...
Relational databases are among the most frequently used databases to date, and therefore SQL skills are mandatory for most positions.In this article with SQL interview questions I will...
It takes 2 actions to determine the size of tables in a database from a command line hosted on a MySQL or MariaDB server:1. Connect to the database server with the command: mysql -u root -p...
Microsoft SQL Server allows you to import data from an Excel file into a database using the built-in T-SQL language in an SQL query. Today I will tell you in detail how it is done, what...
Today we will consider how to run Python code in a Microsoft SQL Server database, you will learn what you need to do to enable this feature, and how to run Python code using a regular T-SQL...