Tag: SQL


Oracle PIVOT operator allows you to cross-request a table to those who started using Oracle 11g. This means that you can combine your results and rotate rows into columns. Syntax for the PIVOT...


Oracle function is a subprogram that calculates a value. CREATE FUNCTION As with other programming languages, you can create your own functions in Oracle. Syntax CREATE [OR REPLACE]...


In Oracle PL/SQL TRIM method removes all items from any collection type. This operation immediately frees up the memory allocated to the items to be removed. Syntax of TRIM collection method in...


DELETE method in Oracle PL/SQL, removes all elements from any collection type. This operation immediately frees up the memory allocated to the items to be removed. Syntax of the DELETE method in...


The Oracle/PLSQL CHARTOROWID function converts a character, varchar2_Id, NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 to ROWID. Syntax of the Oracle/PLSQL CHARTOROWID function CHARTOROWID( value1_Id )where:...


The Oracle/PLSQL CAST function converts (converts) one data type into another. Oracle/PLSQL CAST function syntax CAST ( { expr | ( subquery_id ) | MULTISET ( subquery_id ) } AS type_name_id...


Oracle Analytical functions take as an argument an SQL table, which represents a logical intermediate result of SQL-operator processing, where a reference to such a function is used, and return...


The Oracle/PLSQL VARIANCE function returns the dispersion of a set of numbers. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of the VARIANCE function VARIANCE(expression_id )where:expression_id - is a numeric...


Oracle/PLSQL VAR_SAMP function returns selective dispersion of a set of numbers. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of VAR_SAMP function VAR_SAMP(expression_id)expression_id - is a numeric...


The Oracle/PLSQL VAR_POP function returns the dispersion of a set of numbers. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of VAR_POP function VAR_POP(expression_id )where:expression_id - is a numeric...


The Oracle/PLSQL STDDEV function returns the standard deviation of the number list. The STDDEV function can be used in two ways - as an aggregate function or as an analytical function. Syntax #1...


Oracle/PLSQL NTH_VALUE function returns the nth value in an ordered set of values from the analytical window. It is similar to FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE except that NTH_VALUE allows you to find...


Oracle/PLSQL LISTAGG function combines measure_column values for each group based on order_by_clause. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of LISTAGG function LISTAGG (measure_column_id [,...


Azure Data Studio is a free open source tool for working with Microsoft SQL Server databases. Azure Data Studio is based on Visual Studio Code and its interface is almost identical, the only...


The Oracle/PLSQL LEAD function is an analytical function that allows you to query more than one row in a table, while not having a table to join. Returns values from the next row in the table. To...


Oracle/PLSQL LAST_VALUE function returns the last value in an ordered set of values from the analytical window. It is similar to the functions FIRST_VALUE and NTH_VALUE. Oracle/PLSQL syntax of...