Tag: sqls ms


When switching from MS SQL to MySQL, apart from data migration, you must also transfer the application code, which is in the database.Earlier we discussed how to move MS SQL to a MySQL...


In this article, I will talk in detail, especially for beginner programmers, about how to create a database in Microsoft SQL Server, as well as what you should know before creating a...


If you mainly use open-source programs in your company, and there are several MS SQL server databases, you can consider moving to a MySQL database.Below are a few reasons why you might want...


Installing a new SQL Server instance is a common task for DBAs, and most of us use a simple and straightforward GUI approach.However, there are some configuration options, both during and...


There are many ways to connect and work with Oracle databases, but most often the interface and SQL*Plus command set offered in Oracle are used for this purpose. The SQL*Plus interface, in fact,...


SQL Server has an interesting feature called Linked Servers. It is about linking other databases to SQL Server and using their data as local. There are many powerful open source systems written...


Microsoft SQL Server allows you to import data from an Excel file into a database using the built-in T-SQL language in an SQL query. Today I will tell you in detail how it is done, what...


In this material I will show you how to compare two databases in Microsoft SQL Server with the possibility of further synchronization, while showing a simple way that does not require writing complex...


Sometimes you have to face the situation when in Microsoft SQL Server with the configured replication, the database distribution starts to grow. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the database...


To determine the size of tables in a database hosted on Microsoft SQL Server, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Connect to a database server using SQL Server Management Studio...


SQL Server applies role-based security rights delimitation. A role is a certain set of rights that can be assigned to a certain user or group of users.In SQL Server there are default server...


One of the tasks that one has to face during software development or DBMS administration (and, in particular, SQL Server) is determining which version of the SQL Server is installed, in which edition...


When you run SELECT COUNT(*), the speed of results depends largely on the structure and settings of the database. Let's do a survey on the Votes table in the Stack Overflow database - 300 GB version...


SQL - in simple words, it is a programming language for structured queries (Structured Query Language), which is used as an effective way to save data, find its parts, update, extract from the...


SQL ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, modify or delete columns in a table. ALTER TABLE SQL statement is also used to rename a table. Add a column to a table SQL syntax of ALTER TABLE...


SQL UNION statement is used to combine the resulting sets of 2 or more SELECT operators. It removes repetitive strings between different SELECT requests.Each SELECT statement in UNION must...