Tag: sqls


PostgreSQL power function returns the value of m, which is elevated to the n-th degree. Syntax of the power function in PostgreSQL power( m, n ) Parameters and function argumentsm - Base...


PostgreSQL mod function returns the residue from n divided by m. Syntax of the mod function in PostgreSQL mod( n, m ) Parameters and function argumentsn - A numeric value, the rest of...


The min function in PostgreSQL returns the minimum value of the expression. Syntax of the min function in PostgreSQL SELECT min(aggregate_expression_id) FROM tabs [WHERE conds];Or the...


Using machine resources (including memory and processor), Oracle can support tens of thousands of concurrent database users. The memory management technologies of Oracle in recent years have...


PostgreSQL MAX function returns the maximum value of the expression. Syntax of the max function in PostgreSQL SELECT max(aggregate_expression_id) FROM tabs [WHERE conds];Or the syntax of...


The PostgreSQL COUNT function returns the number of expressions. Syntax of the count function in PostgreSQL SELECT count(aggregate_expression_id) FROM tabs [WHERE conds];Or the syntax of...


The PostgreSQL CEILING function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number. Syntax of the ceiling function in PostgreSQL ceiling( number ) Parameters and...


The PostgreSQL CEIL function returns the smallest integer value, which is greater than or equal to a number. Syntax of CEIL function in PostgreSQL ceil( number )Parameters and function...


The PostgreSQL avg function returns the average value of the expression. Syntax of avg function in PostgreSQL SELECT avg(aggregate_expression) FROM tables [WHERE conditions];Or the...


The abs function in PostgreSQL returns the absolute value of the number. Syntax of abs function in PostgreSQL abs( number ) Parameters and function argumentsnumber - A number for...


The PostgreSQL to_timestamp function converts a string into a timestamp. Syntax of the to_timestamp function in PostgreSQL to_timestamp( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function...


The PostgreSQL to_number function converts a string into a number. Syntax of to_number function in PostgreSQL to_number( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsstring1 -...


The to_date function in PostgreSQL converts a string into a date. Syntax of the to_date function in PostgreSQL to_date( string1, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsstring1 -...


PostgreSQL to_char function converts a number or date to a string. Syntax of to_char function in PostgreSQL to_char( value, format_mask ) Parameters and function argumentsvalue - A...


In PostgreSQL there are many different string functions designed for formatting, analyzing, and comparing strings.These include both SQL92 standard functions and non-standard PostgreSQL...


PostgreSQL length function returns the length of the specified string, expressed in the number of characters. Syntax of the length function in PostgreSQL length( string ) Parameters and...