Tag: SQLS*Plus


SQLS*Plus for SQL Server: Issue “sqlsplus.exe –r” command and paste your license token to register SQLS*PlusStartup Scripts When SQLS*Plus starts, and after CONNECT commands, the two...


SQLS*Plus for SQL Server Data Output - HTML Data Output, CSV Data Output, JSON Data Output, Vertical Data Output, and Column Autoformatting. HTML Data Output Use “set markup html on|off”...


SQLS*Plus: Passing parameters as script arguments You can skip the hints for values that are associated with the substitution of variables by giving them values of parameters in the script, typing...


List of Commands:   Command    Usage     Description  & &<variable name>   Use substitution...


1) Activate Quick Edit Mode2) Set proper layout attributesa) Set Screen Buffer Size to 122 and 9999 correspondinglyb) Set Window Buffer Size to 122 and 55...


In this article we will step by step cover the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 with a description of all options, components, current recommendations and best practices.MS SQL...


MS SQL Server is not a rarity in a network of the organizations as often goes "in loading" to the business application. Own tools usually the majority of developers and administrators arrange far...


SQLS*Plus is a client terminal software allowing users to interact with SQL Server to manipulate data and data structures. Users type in SQL statements in SQLS*Plus that send statements to SQL...


SQLS*Plus - Sample start string: sqlsplus.exe /nolog  col N1 format 999,999,999.99 In this example we are starting SLQS*Plus and not initiating connection to the SQL Server. Setting format...